SPBench Benchmarks

Single source benchmarks

These are the commom benchmarks. They read data from a single input and generate a single stream of input and output data. The source operator runs inside the stream region, as shown in the example bellow.

int main (int argc, char* argv[]){

   /* Init of stream region */
      spb::Item item;
      if(!spb::Source::op(item)) break;
   } // End of stream region

   return 0;

Real time stream configuration

The behavior of the itens and input stream can be tunned through some global methods.

  • spb::setBatchSize()

    This method can be used to change the batch size of the items on the stream.

  • spb::setFrequency()

    If the in-memory option was not enable in the execution command, the minumim frequency will be limited by the speed of the disk. Ideally, this option may be used in an in-memory execution to achieve high speed data.

Multiple source benchmarks

These are benchmarks that can read data from different inputs and generate multiple input/output streams. Here, the n source operators are run each by a exclusive thread outside the stream region. Each source has its own queue with items that can be accessed by a getItem() method inside the stream region, as shown in the example bellow.

int main (int argc, char* argv[]){

   spb::Source source1;
   spb::Source source2;


   /* Stream region */
   while(!(source1.depleted() && source2.depleted())){

      spb::Item item1 = source1.getItem();
      spb::Item item2 = source2.getItem();



   return 0;

Real time stream configuration

  • source.setBatchSize(unsigned int)

    This method can be used to change the batch size of the items on the stream.

  • source.setFrequency(unsigned int)

    If the in-memory option was not enable in the execution command, the minumim frequency will be limited by the speed of the disk. Ideally, this option may be used in an in-memory execution to achieve high speed data.

  • source.setQueueMaxSize(unsigned int);

    This option changes the queue size for te respective source. It has no impact on the inter-stage queues of the parallel implementations.

  • source.init()

    here it is necessary to run this method to start the source execution

Alternativelly, these attributes can be specified through the constructor of the source object:

  • spb::Source source(<batch_size>, <queue_size>, <reading_frequency>);